Tag:ground water



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UDC 631.67:628.165

Kofman V. Ya.

The use of desalinated water for the needs of irrigation (review)


In quite a few foreign countries that suffer from water scarcity (Spain, Israel, Australia, Cyprus, OAE, Chile, China) and that are located in the regions with arid climate noticeable success has been reached or major developments in the field of using desalinated sea or underground water for irrigation have been initiated. The main technologies of water desalination for agricultural needs are reverse osmosis, ion exchange, electrodialysis. The factors that are constraining at this time large-scale deployment of desalinated water in irrigation practice include the high cost of desalination; the need of placing desalination plants close to agricultural fields; discharge of toxic concentrate from desalination process; the need of ensuring safety and remineralization of desalinated water. Quite a few research works in this field have been dedicated to the improvement of the energy efficiency of desalination, development of the improved irrigation schemes and selection of arable crops that could be irrigated with desalinated water with the highest economic benefit. Anyhow the steady increase of investments into the given field in foreign countries indicates that desalinated water can be definitely adapted for agricultural needs.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.07.01
UDC 628.16.081

Seliukov Aleksandr

Integrated technology for conditioning low-mineralized cold ground water


An advanced integrated technology for conditioning low-mineralized cold groundwater is presented. The technology was developed for the purpose of supplying drinking water to the oil and gas-bearing regions of the Tyumen North. With a favorable ratio of fresh water resources and the actual volume of water consumption in this region of Russia, the issue of drinking water supply from underground aquifers remains acute due to the problematic water quality and low efficiency of the treatment facilities. The technology is intended for removing iron, manganese, hydrogen sulfide and providing for the stabilization treatment of water. The main work including laboratory studies and pilot tests was carried out in the period 2001–2020. On the basis of the developed process solutions, water treatment facilities have been built and successfully operated in the cities of Noyabrsk (75 thousand m3/day, 2006) and Novy Urengoy (65 thousand m3/day, 2007). Additional tests of the technology carried out in Khanty-Mansiisk and Komsomolsk-on-Amur confirmed its effectiveness. The technology involves using hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate as the basic chemicals for the oxidation of water pollutants, as well as using an alkaline chemical for pH adjustment and stabilization treatment. To meet the requirements of the WHO standard for the concentrations of iron and manganese, an additional flocculant can be used. The data on the composition of groundwater used for testing are summarized, and on their basis the recommended area of application of the developed technology is determined. The basic process flow scheme of conditioning low-mineralized cold groundwater in view of 15 years of experience in operating the existing facilities, and of advanced solutions for dosing and mixing of chemicals, is presented. It is indicated that the technology also provides for a partial reduction in the silicon concentration in purified water (up to 30%). The developed technology ensures stable drinking water with a standard residual concentration of iron, manganese and hydrogen sulfide.

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UDC 628.1.033

Artemenok N. D., Nikitin A. M.

Certain Issues of Safety of Potable Water Supply


Issues of the safety of potable water supply for population using the surface and ground water are considered. Draft Federal Laws On Potable Water and Potable Water Supply and On Safety of Water Supply give preference to ground water and if a surface source is used it is recommended to organize an additional, reserve water intake of ground water in case of emergency situations. In perspective, a part of ground water used for water supply will reach 50% all over the country. But in many cities having the reserve water sources the problems concerning the influence of changeable water quality on human health are not solved.

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UDC 628.161.2:546.72/.711

Askerniia A. A., Korabel'nikov L. V., Moiseev A. V., Geras'kov S. S., Pavliuchenko D. I., Bodiagin A. O.

Special aspects of choosing the methods of single-stage deironing and demanganization of underground waters


Special aspects of choosing the methods of deironing and demanganization of underground water depending on the physical, chemical and microbiological properties in a single-stage water treatment process are described. The method of removing excessive concentrations of iron and manganese shall be chosen in the process of studies at the pre-project phase of front-end engineering and design. For underground water containing apart from manganese also iron mainly as oxides, the physical and chemical methods that combine pretreatment of raw water with a strong oxidant (sodium hypochlorite, ozone etc.) and subsequent filtration through chemically active material are most acceptable. Biological method of water deironing and demanganization is conditioned by the presence of microbiocenosis with the life cycle associated with the processes of iron and manganese oxidation in the ecosystem of the treatment facilities. The procedures of filter media inoculation with Crenothrix and Siderocapsa – Arthrobacter bacterial cultures are described. Based on the experience of operating «Vostochnyi-2» facilities for underground drainage water deironing and demanganization with a capacity of 25,000 m3/day in Krasnodar the use of the physical and chemical method of water treatment was justified. The results of operating a water treatment plant in «Yuzhnyi» settlement of Barnaul city show the efficiency of the biological method of underground water deironing and demanganization conditioned by the presence of microbiocenosis with the life cycle associated with the processes of iron and manganese oxidation in the ecosystem of the treatment facilities.

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Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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