Tag:nanofiltration membrane



UDC 628.3:66.081.6
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.05.03

Tsabilev O. V.

VSEP membrane technology for glycol regeneration through the example of waste airport de-icing fluids (part 1)


The results of a series of long-term pilot tests of the VSEP technology for vibromembrane separation of waste contaminated solutions of glycol-containing fluids using nanofiltration membranes are presented. The tests were carried out on the basis of one of the research and production companies located in the Central Federal District of Russia. A mixture of waste contaminated solutions of de-icing fluids collected at large airports during the cold season of the year was used as research liquid. He studies have shown positive results, so the technology can be recommended for industrial application. The separation process is stable, and the quality of the effluent meets the most stringent requirements. A feature of the technology under study is its ease of use, the almost complete elimination of chemicals and the compactness of the equipment, which makes it possible to design local systems for the purification of solutions of glycol-containing liquids.

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UDC 628.3:66.081.6
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.06.04

Tsabilev O. V.

VSEP membrane technology for glycol regeneration through the example of waste airport de-icing fluids (part 2)


The results of a series of long-term pilot tests of the VSEP technology for vibromembrane separation of waste contaminated solutions of glycol-containing fluids using nanofiltration membranes are presented. The tests were carried out on the basis of one of the research and production companies located in the Central Federal District of Russia. A mixture of waste contaminated solutions of de-icing fluids collected at large airports during the cold season of the year was used as research liquid. He studies have shown positive results, so the technology can be recommended for industrial application. The separation process is stable, and the quality of the effluent meets the most stringent requirements. A feature of the technology under study is its ease of use, the almost complete elimination of chemicals and the compactness of the equipment, which makes it possible to design local systems for the purification of solutions of glycol-containing liquids.

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UDC 628.162:62-278

Pervov A. G., Efremov R. V.

The Use of Nanofiltration Membrane OPMN-K for Production of Potable Water and Calculation of Operation Characteristics


Recommendation on the use of nanofiltration membranes OPMN-K manufactured by the Vladipor OJSC for natural water treatment and production of potable water of high quality are presented. It is shown that at the high efficiency of removal of iron, hardness, fluorine and ammonium ions from water the OPMN membranes are exposed considerably less to the danger of generation of calcium carbonate cake on them than the low pressure reverse osmosis membranes. Depending on quality of influent water and types of membranes these recommendations make it possible to determine the reagent consumptions for operation of plants. Calculations presented show that the use of OPMN-K membranes instead of reverse osmosis membranes ESPA makes it possible to reduce significantly expenditures for operation of the ground water treatment unit.

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