


bbk 000000

UDC 628.165:62-278:621.311.21

Tsabilev O. V., Strelkov A. K.

Influence of Water Acidation Degree on Quality of Permeate of a Reverse Osmosis Plant


The results of industrial tests of the plant of reverse osmosis water desalination installed in the chemical water treatment shop of the Samara hydropower station are presented. Influent water is subjected to pre-treatment in clarifiers with liming, filtering on mechanical filters and two-stage Na-cation exchange. The influence of acid doses in the course of influent water acidification and the value of permeate output on its quality is studied. The evaluation of convergence of calculated data performed with the help of specialized software with the actually received values of permeate quality is made. Оbserved dependences allow us to make adjustments of the permeate quality obtained by the calculation method.

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bbk 000000

UDC 628.112.23:628.168.4

Tsabilev O. V., Strelkov A. K., Bykova P. G., Zanina Zh. V., Vasiliev V. V.

Treatment of Artesian Water for Domestic Water Supply


An example of solving the task of improvement of artesian water quality up to normative values with the help of baromembrane technologies is given. A flow chart of water treatment for household needs of a settlement optimal from the ecological and economical points of view is described. The comparative results of the technological calculation of various schemes of water demineralization and softening including the processes of ion exchange, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis are presented.

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bbk 000000

UDC 628.162:62-278

Pervov A. G., Efremov R. V.

The Use of Nanofiltration Membrane OPMN-K for Production of Potable Water and Calculation of Operation Characteristics


Recommendation on the use of nanofiltration membranes OPMN-K manufactured by the Vladipor OJSC for natural water treatment and production of potable water of high quality are presented. It is shown that at the high efficiency of removal of iron, hardness, fluorine and ammonium ions from water the OPMN membranes are exposed considerably less to the danger of generation of calcium carbonate cake on them than the low pressure reverse osmosis membranes. Depending on quality of influent water and types of membranes these recommendations make it possible to determine the reagent consumptions for operation of plants. Calculations presented show that the use of OPMN-K membranes instead of reverse osmosis membranes ESPA makes it possible to reduce significantly expenditures for operation of the ground water treatment unit.

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UDC 661.183.12
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.08.03

Pavelkova Anna, Spitsov D. V.

Current state of the ion exchange resin market (a review)


Widespread use of ion exchange plants for both natural water and industrial wastewater treatment is driven by the use of various ion exchange resins. It provides for selecting a unit for both complete desalination of water and selective purification depending on the demands of work. The main fields of ion exchange application are considered. The specific features of ionite selection are analyzed depending on the type of filter regeneration, filtration mode and rate. The lack of a unified classification of ion exchange resins hampers their optimal choice since the very name gives no idea of their properties, which requires careful study of the characteristics. A comprehensive analysis of the current ionite market according to the classical classification, their interchangeability, possible import phaseout has been executed. The optimal choice of an ion exchange resin with the minimum cost of the treated water is made after a comprehensive analysis of the quality indicators of the treated and source water, filtration mode, type of the plant.

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