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UDC 628.31

Pokhil Yu. N., Pupyrev E. I., Bagaev Iurii, Bivalkevich A. I.

The specific features of introducing the principle of best available technologies in municipal wastewater treatment


The aspects of implementing the principle of best available technologies in municipal wastewater treatment are considered. The analysis of the techniques of determining the permissible concentrations of pollutants discharged into the water bodies is presented. The classification of typical technologies of municipal wastewater treatment is given. Based on the summary data on the best available technologies the levels of basic pollutants removal from municipal wastewater are presented. The priority of introducing process-oriented regulatory actions for public utilities in 2012 is pointed out. The quality parameters of effluents discharged into the water bodies with account of their condition are suggested as technically achievable and sufficient for being observed environmental standards.

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