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UDC 628.35:661.5

Strelkov A. K., Stepanov S. V., Blinkova L. A., MOROZOVA K. M., Belyakov A. V.

Investigating the processes of single-stage biological treatment
of oil refinery wastewater


The results of investigating the operation of the Novokuibyshevsk oil refinery waste biological treatment facilities are presented. It was found that denitrification process was not possible in two-stage process of wastewater treatment because of
high concentration of dissolved oxygen in the denitrification tank and low concentration of organics in raw wastewater. Full-scale experiment with single-stage mode of operation of the entire biological treatment facilities was carried out. After the first-stage aeration tanks de-commissioning the total activated sludge amount in the system increased almost 1.5-fold. Sludge concentration in the aeration tanks (of the second stage) increased from 0.5–1 to 2–2.5 mg/l; COD sludge load was reduced from 143 to 77 mg/(g·day). The improved nitrification efficiency and denitrification start were recorded. Kinetic constants were determined for the processes of organics and oil products oxidation, for nitrification and denitrification required for designing wastewater treatment facilities with nitrification-denitrification technology. Inhibition by substrate was found at the concentration of oil products in effluent higher than 4 mg/l. Nitrification inhibition was observed at ammonia nitrogen concentration in effluent higher than 1 mg/l. The full-scale experiment of conversion of the Novokuibyshevsk oil refinery waste biological treatment facilities to one-stage operation provided for testing on commercial scale the advanced nitrification-denitrification technology and recommending this process flow scheme for the introduction at other RF oil refineries.

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  6. Stepanov S. V., Shvetsov V. N., Morozova K. M., Beliakov A. V., Blinkova L. A. Issledovanie tekhnologii nitri-denitrifikatsii dlia ochistki neftesoderzhashchikh stochnykh vod [Investigating the use of nitrification-denitrification technology for oily wastes treatment]. Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2013, no. 5, pp. 50–56. (In Russian).

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