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UDC 628.16.6

Pervov A. G., Efremov R. V., Spitsov D. V., Andrianov A. P., Gorbunova T. P.

Membrane methods in drinking water supply: membrane selection, water quality prediction, concentrate utilization


It is shown that the use of membrane reverse osmosis and nanofiltration units for drinking water treatment is complicated by the presence of large amounts of concentrates subject to the discharge into the sewer. To reduce water use for local needs the technology of concentrate treatment at the additional stage with the use of nanofiltration membranes was developed and tested. The flow of the generated concentrate is less than 1–6% of the total water flow rate whereas the second stage filtrate can be blended with either treated or incoming water depending on the hardness or presence of such pollutants as iron, ammonium, fluorine, arsenic etc. Process flow schemes, mass balance and the composition of incoming water, filtrate and concentrate at different treatment stages are presented.

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  1. Pervov A. G., Andrianov A. P., Iurchevskii E. B. Sovershenstvovanie konstruktsii membrannykh apparatov // Vodosnabzhenie i san. tekhnika. 2009. № 7. S. 62–68.
  2. Iurchevskii E. B., Pervov A. G., Andrianov A. P., Pichugina M. A. Issledovanie tekhnologicheskikh kharakteristik membrannykh elementov s otkrytymi napornymi kanalami // Teploenergetika. 2009. № 11. S. 46–52.
  3. Iurchevskii E. B., Pervov A. G., Andrianov A. P., Pichugina M. A. Issledovanie protsessov formirovaniia otlozhenii v membrannykh apparatakh s otkrytymi napornymi kanalami // Energosberezhenie i vodopodgotovka. 2008. № 4 (54). S. 32–35.
  4. Pervov A. G. Rudakova G. Ia. Efremov R. V. Razrabotka programm dlia tekhnologicheskogo rascheta sistem obratnogo osmosa nanofil'tratsii s ispol'zovaniem reagentov «Aminat» // Vodosnabzhenie i san. tekhnika. 2009. № 7. S. 21–28.
  5. Pervov A. G., Andrianov A. P., Spitsov D. V., Iurchevskii E. B. Sovershenstvovanie konstruktsii membrannykh apparatov – kliuch k sozdaniiu bezreagentnykh tekhnologii s vykhodom fil'trata do 99%. Kriticheskie tekhnologii // Membrany. 2010. № 3 (47). S. 3–14.
  6. Okazaki M., Kimura S. Scale formation on reverse osmosis membranes // Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan. 1984. V. 17 (2). P. 145–151.

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