
Number 9 / 2013

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155th anniversary of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»

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Karmazinov F. V., KINEBAS A. K., Muktepavel A. V.

155 years of serving the great city: stages of the great path



155th anniversary of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»

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UDC 628.55(261.24)

Probirsky M. D., Rublevskaya O. N., Lysova Tat’iana

The contribution of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» to Russia fulfilling the international commitments on the Baltic Marine Environment Protection


To meet the recommendations of the Helsinki Commission on the Baltic Marine Environment Protection the experts of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» developed a 5–7 years rehabilitation program for the Ladoga and Onega Lakes basins. The program envisages construction of new or upgrade of the existing municipal and community wastewater treatment facilities; enhanced removal of toxic substances from wastewater at the industrial facilities; efficient processing of livestock and poultry farm wastes with the utilization of their useful properties and energy potential. The progress in implementing measures on abatement of discharging raw wastewater into the Gulf of Finland, upgrade and reconstruction of the wastewater treatment facilities, wastewater treatment efficiency improvement, particularly in relation to the technologies developed by the Universities of Cape Town (UCT) and Johannesburg (JHB) with the use of membrane aerators, mixers, nitrate recycling, and also to the European technology of chemical phosphorus precipitation is described. The dynamics of reducing nutrient loading on the St. Petersburg water bodies is presented. The positive effect of putting into operation the Main tunnel sewer has been achieved. The program of the municipal sewer rehabilitation has been developed and is now underway. The results of activities related to waste and toxic substances removal are presented. The works carried out will contribute to the prevention of the Gulf of Finland eutrophication.

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155th anniversary of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»

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UDC 628.161.32

Karmazinov F. V., Kirimitchiev A. P., Biriukov K. K.

EFQM Excellence Model – perspective direction for the coming years


SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» has been making every effort to achieve improvements in the management system, from ISO 14000 and 9000 certification to getting into the final of the EFQM European Foundation of Quality Management contest. EFQM Excellence Model developed by the foundation allows the companies implementing in practice the Fundamental concepts and RADAR logic. RADAR logic is a dynamic assessment framework and powerful management tool. «Ideal Vodokanal» concept was suggested as a result of the benchmarking activities of the entire enterprise aimed to developing a proprietary production system that shall promote solicitous attitude to the company assets and raise self-responsibility of every employee. The importance of self-assessment in the production system is shown. The information is given on the home production system «4E: efficiency, ecology, economics and evolution». Continuous improvement of the enterprise management system and development of the coherent production system allow SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» to continuously improve the quality of services to the satisfaction of the customers; achieve the performance targets; make a significant contribution to the sustainable future and to the improvement of water and wastewater systems.

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155th anniversary of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»

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UDC 628.32:37.018.4

Troshenko D. V., Alekseev A. G.

The activities of the International Advanced Water Technologies Centre


The Centre on training and skill improvement of water industry professionals named «The International Advanced Technologies Centre» was established as a result of cooperation between SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» and «LADEK Lahti Region Development Centre» Finnish Company within the frames of the Northern Dimension Business Council working group on environment and nature conservation. The Centre is holding lectures and seminars where the experts from Russia, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland are sharing their knowledge. To provide for the feedback with the students questionnaire surveys are carried out. Cross border study courses for Russian water professional are being held to provide for the familiarization with the advanced methods of operation and innovative water and wastewater treatment technologies. Foreign students are also trained. In May 2012 the Centre held the first educational seminar for students from Finland trained for doctoral degree, and for the academicians from the Lappeenranta University of Technology and Aalto University (Helsinki). In the course of studies the students got familiarized with the advanced technologies applied at the water and wastewater facilities of the SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg». The International Centre was awarded by TEKEL, the Finnish Science Park Association, for the «best international initiative».

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155th anniversary of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»

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UDC 550.813:65.012.25

Karmazinov F. V., Semenov Iu. V.

The use of geographical information system in the activities of the customer service of SUE « Vodokanal of St. Petersburg »


The technology of using the geographical information system for planning the inventory of the customer data base and data exchange between the billing information system and GIS of the enterprise with the purpose of providing for the visual control of the inventory procedure is described. The geographical information system of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» includes a set of subsystems (modules) designed in «Baltros DesktopSubsystemEngine» unified integration runtime environment. On the whole the technology of the customer data base inventory developed on the basis of the city operational cadastral plan with the possibility of the visual control of the results proved to be efficient. It provides for planning the activities, handling data bulks and assessing situations to take operative decisions during staff meetings, in the process of analyzing and monitoring intermediate and final results of the inventory procedure.

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UDC 628.11:504.064

KINEBAS A. K., NEFEDOVA E. D., Gvozdev V. A., Portnova T. M., Zaichouk А. А.

Operating and developing water quality monitoring systems to ensure the safety of water supply


In 2006 a system of water supply safety management was introduced at the SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» facilities. The system includes: water sources biological monitoring stations operating on the basis of variational crayfish pulse metering; automatic stations of continuous environmental monitoring; equipment system for detecting accidental oil spills in the Neva River water area; carrying out semiquatitative rapid tests of toxic substances; emergency sampling and analyzing water samples in case of toxic pollution hazard; systems of dozing powdered sorbents to remove water pollutants. To ensure continuous automatic monitoring, timely detection and identification of toxic substances a set of remote optical loggers and fluorimetrical flow-through instruments is used. The automatic plant for preparing and dozing powdered activated carbon includes: a big-bag emptying unit, a unit for activated carbon storing and pumping with the help of a compressor and an injector for dry product; a unit for sorbent preparing and dozing. Introducing the principle of timely detection and identification of toxic substances in water intakes, particularly with the use of online monitoring, allowed improving the responsiveness to the changes in the incoming water quality and ensuring the safety of the municipal water supply.

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UDC 628.16.081.32

Samonin Viacheslav, Spiridonova E. A., NEFEDOVA E. D., Portnova T. M., Gvozdev V. A., Podviaznikov M. L.

Water purification with the use of granulated activated carbon at the Southern Waterworks


The results of multi-year studies show that the water quality of the Neva River is deteriorating in relation to organoleptic properties. To ensure high quality drinking water the advanced water treatment technologies including coagulation, sedimentation, oxidation and adsorption were introduced at the K-6 filter block of the Southern Waterworks. Chemviron Carbon granulated activated carbon was used as sorption medium. It is shown that the use of additional carbon medium at the final stage in the sand filters increases significantly the efficiency of treatment. Sampling units were designed, sampling techniques were developed, and samples of the carbon and water from the filtering sorption medium were taken. By analyzing iodine number and sorption activity for methylene blue of activated carbon and permanganate oxidizability of water the life durability of carbon was determined which under the given operation conditions was 3–3.5 years. The perspectivenes of high-temperature carbon reactivation is shown. Herewith the technical-and-economic assessment of the reactivation cost is 50–60% of the new carbon cost.

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UDC 628.161.3

KINEBAS A. K., NEFEDOVA E. D., Gvozdev V. A., Rusanova L. P.

The efficiency of using aluminium polyoxychlorides in natural water purification


SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» has been continuously upgrading water treatment technologies with the aim of improving the quality of water services. The results of laboratory, pilot and industrial approbations provided for the data on the use of more than 160 samples of coagulants based on the salts of different polyvalent metals. Among them are aluminium-, iron-, and titanium-based coagulants and also their composite compounds. Investigating more than 50 samples of aluminium oxychloride produced both by local and foreign manufacturers showed that for such special water source as the Neva River the use of chemicals of low and medium base strength in the processes proceeding in contact clarifiers is most preferable. The use of aliminium oxychloride did not result in sharp decrease of alkalinity or pH at the increased coagulant dosages. The residual alkaline reserve in water allows introducing higher chemical dosages which results in improving the efficiency of the first water treatment stage at low temperatures of the water source (less than 4 °С) and reducing filter cycle. SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» has adopted the concept of using the range of coagulants during different year seasons.

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Pokhil Yu. N.

The fifth scientific and practical conference «Environmental safety of water use»

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