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UDC 628.3

Kalmykov A. A.

The use of energy efficient technologies of wastewater treatment: ways of solution and implementation problems
(to be discussed)


Currently in different Russian cities in the process of operation and maintenance of wastewater treatment facilities designed and constructed in 1970-ies the problems often arise that are typical for many water and wastewater utilities in Russia. Ways of solving these problems in the process of upgrade are also typical and represent a package of measures that should be implemented on a branch basis. The potential of the advanced equipment and technologies that provide for improving the efficiency of the treatment facilities operation at significant energy saving as well as for solving the problems of upgrading treatment facilities under the conditions of tariff regulation and lack of competent professionals is presented.

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  1. Iakovlev S. V., Karelin Ia. A., Zhukov A. I., Kolobanov S. K. Kanalizatsiia [Sanitation. Moscow, Stroiizdat Publ., 1975, 632 p.].
  2. Khar’kina O. V. Effektivnaia ekspluatatsiia i raschet sooruzhenii biologicheskoi ochistki stochnykh vod [Efficient operation and calculation of biological wastewater treatment facilities. Volgograd, Panorama Publ., 2015, 433 p.].

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