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UDC 628.32

Larionov S. Iu., Panteleev Aleksei, Riabchikov Boris, Shilov Mikhail, Kasatochkin A. S., Zhadan A. V., Savochkin Andrei

Commercial tests of VTI-M high-rate horizontal clarifier enhanced with microsand


For the adjustment of enhanced coagulation technology on industrial scale a commercial VTI-M plant has been designed for the purification of surface and waste water as well as storm run-off. The design capacity of the plant is up to 300 m3/h. Enhancing the impurity sedimentation process is achieved using fine-grained sand weighting agent. Its subsequent washing off of the sludge is carried out in a pulse column which provides for reducing significantly the amount of secondary waste compared to the known analogues. The development of a new horizontal type clarifier was carried out on the basis of previous laboratory, pilot and experimental-industrial studies. VTI-M commercial clarifier consistently provides for the high quality clarified water that fully meets the requirements for the composition and quality of water supplied for ion-exchange desalination. During the testing period water was supplied for production needs. The use of the equipment package allows obtaining high quality water while reducing the consumption of acids and alkalis which in turn will reduce the discharge of salt waste and thereby reduce the harmful impact on the environment.

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