

DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.07.05
UDC 628.1.033+628.3:658.562

Vinogradov Sergei, Samburski Georgi, Mikhailov P. B.

Development of a national standard in the field of automatic water quality control for water supply and wastewater disposal systems


Lately a lot of attention has been paid to the aspects of the automation of analytical monitoring of the composition and properties of different water types, on the legislative level, in particular. Formation of risk-oriented approaches for drinking water supply; requirements to analytical wastewater monitoring systems as part of the transition to the best available technologies – all this makes actual the issues of developing and using automatic water quality monitoring systems. Such measuring systems provide for not only real-time control of the technological processes of water and wastewater treatment, but also for executing industrial environmental control of effluent discharges, monitoring of pollution of natural waters, and drinking water quality monitoring. The main tools that underlie the development of a state standard for analytical water quality monitoring systems are presented.

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  1. Samburskii G. A., Nefedova E. D. [Approaches to risk assessment and selection of water treatment technologies to supply consumers with high quality drinking water]. Vodoochistka. Vodopodgotovka. Vodosnabzhenie, 2020, no. 2 (146), pp. 48–56. (In Russian).
  2. [ITRB 10-2019. Wastewater treatment in public wastewater disposal systems of settlements, urban districts]. URL: https://raww.ru/assets/modckeditor/default/0/its-10-2019.pdf (accessed May 12, 2020). (In Russian).
  3. [ITRB 22.1. General principles of industrial environmental control and its metrological support]. URL: https://files.stroyinf.ru/Index2/1/4293748/4293748592.htm (accessed May 12, 2020). (In Russian).

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