

DOI 000000

UDC 628.16

Ulchenko V. M., Tat’ianko Nataliia, Glinka Nikolai

Common problems at water treatment facilities and ways to address them


Due to the anthropogenic factors, the quality of surface water is subject to rapid, mainly negative, changes; therefore, water treatment plants not always can meet the standards of the drinking water quality. Currently, many water treatment facilities are in need of upgrade, re-technologization and even reconstruction. In addition, significant changes in the actual water supply by the water facilities (decreasing, as a rule) do not always produce a positive effect on the technical and economic indicators of the water treatment facilities. Problems arising during the operation of the water treatment facilities at all stages of surface water purification – microfiltration, chemical treatment, mixing with chemicals and flocculation, sedimentation, filtration and wash water treatment are summarized. The methods used by MY PROJECT JSC in its projects to address such problems as the lack of the treatment efficacy, overspending of chemicals, short filter cycle, large water losses for process needs, discharge of untreated wash water, high purification cost are considered.

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  1. Meshengisser Iu. M., Zhurba M. S., Pelykh S. N., Ul’chenko V. M. [Pat. RU 146147 U1, RF. IPC C02F 1/24, B01F 7/18, C02F 103/04. Flocculation chamber]. Izobreteniia. Poleznye Modeli, 2014, no. 28. (In Russian).
  2. Ul’chenko V. M., Boiko I. Iu. [Comparative tests of the efficiency of the transition from hydraulic flocculation chambers to mechanical ones at the WTP of Severodvinsk]. Nailuchshchie Dostupnye Tekhnologii Vodosnabzheniia i Vodootvedeniia, 2016, no. 5, pp. 37–43. (In Russian).
  3. Ul’chenko V. M., Tat’ianko N. O. [Reconstruction of the water treatment facilities of Severodvinsk: a cost-effective solution]. Nailuchshchie Dostupnye Tekhnologii Vodosnabzheniia i Vodootvedeniia, 2017, no. 5, pp. 42–53. (In Russian).

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