Number 1 / 2025
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UDC 628.16.08 DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.01.01
Belyak А. А., GERASIMOV M. M., Sverdlikov Aleksandr, SMIRNOV A. D.
Estimating the effect of VPK-402 flocculant-coagulant on the sorption properties of powdered activated carbon in the process of water treatment
The results of laboratory tests on estimating the effect of VPK-402 organic flocculant-coagulant on the sorption capacity of powdered activated carbon in relation to phenol in the process of natural water treatment using the technologies adopted by the water utilities are presented. The results showed that the effect on the sorption efficiency depended not so much on the point of VPK-402 injection – upstream or downstream the point of powdered activated carbon injection, as on the time of it contacting with water containing phenol. The minimum decrease of the purification efficiency of 3.2–4.5% was observed upon 60-minute contact with powdered activated carbon, regardless of the injection of the flocculant – before or after the injection of the sorbent. With a short contact with powdered activated carbon (2 minutes), a decrease in the efficiency of removing phenol by 7.8–16% was observed compared to blank tests without the use of a flocculant.
Key words
natural water treatment , powdered activated carbon , flocculant-coagulant , dephenolizing
UDC 628.161.3 DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.01.02
Nikolaenko Elena, Tinzhiu Zhang
Studying the efficiency of using aluminium oxychlorides of different trademarks
With each passing year, the task of centralized provision of the population with drinking water has becoming increasingly important. Because of increased technogenic and anthropogenic pollution of surface water sources, traditional water treatment schemes have become insufficient. Purification of natural water using chemicals in most cases is currently the only possible method of providing for the sustained water quality in domestic water supply systems. The paper considers the effectiveness of coagulants – highly basic aluminum oxychlorides supplied by various manufacturers depending on the initial turbidity and color of the water. The experiments were based on the use of model water with the parameters close to natural water in different periods of the year. It was shown that in terms of permanganate index, a water quality indicator, the efficiency of the chemicals was quite high and sustainable. As to such parameters as turbidity and color, the chemicals demonstrated extremely low efficiency in their respect. The trademarks of oxychlorides that showed the best results in relation to turbidity and color of clarified water in the process of low turbid and colored water purification were identified. In the water treatment practice a well-known method for increasing the efficiency of low turbid natural water clarification is the use of opacifiers. As a rule, finely dispersed clay or powdered activated carbon is used as a opacifier. During the study the efficiency of aluminium oxychlorides with preliminary addition of activated carbon slurry into the model water was investigated; and the most efficient trademarks of highly basic aluminum oxychlorides were determined.
Key words
turbidity , chromaticity , coagulant , permanganate oxidizability , natural water treatment , low turbid water , opacifiers of natural water
UDC 628.161.2 DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.01.03
Propol’skii Dmitrii
A review of achievements in water treatment with regard to deferrization and demanganation
To provide the population with drinking water, it is necessary that the quality of purified water meets the standard requirements. The absence of an appropriate water supply source or the use of drinking water with exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants subsequently harms human health. Besides, a deterioration in the operation of water supply systems occurs as a result of corrosion, deposits and blockage of pipes. One of the major problems of groundwater treatment is the increased concentration of iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn). The existing methods of iron and manganese removal from water and the conditions of their application are described. In addition, a comparative analysis of the methods is carried out and promising areas in this area are considered. It has been established that all the existing methods of iron and manganese removal either have or require a filtration stage. The use of a catalytic layer of modified media in filters provides for achieving higher purification and filtration rates that will reduce the expenditures of water treatment plants and the cost of purified underground water.
Key words
filter , oxidation , ground water , demanganization , deferrization , removal of iron and manganese , фильтрующая среда
UDC 66.081.6 DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.01.04
Larionov S. Iu., Panteleev Aleksei, Riabchikov Boris, Samburski Georgi
Selection of membranes and membrane elements for industrial water treatment by ultrafiltration
The technology of water purification by ultrafiltration has come into operation in Russia since the early 2000s with the commissioning of the largest drinking water treatment plant in Europe with a capacity of 250 thousand m3/day (10,500 m3/h) at the South-West Water Treatment Plant in Moscow, and a water treatment plant with a capacity of 250 m3/h at the Novocherkassk Regional Power Plant. Dozens of such plants are currently in operation. Membranes of various designs, made of different materials and with various instrumentation are used. As a rule, provided proper selection of equipment and its operating conditions, the service life of ultrafiltration membranes is from 4 to 10 years. Herewith, mandatory preliminary pilot tests are required; however, many a man ignore them, taking the view that the process has been tried-and-true and simple enough. Actually, the selection of the optimal membrane elements and operating modes is a difficult task, and errors entail large financial and reputational losses.
Ключевые слова
coagulation , ultrafiltration , membrane module , membrane technology , pilot tests , water , ultrafiltration units
UDC 66.063.8 DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.01.05
Bazhenov V. I.
Agitators for mixing wastewater and natural waters: standardization (for discussion)
The national standardization plans for 2024 include the new GOST R «Mixing devices for wastewater». Its purpose is to fill the gap in wastewater treatment. The purpose of this analysis is to consider problems based on the domestic and foreign experience and form proposals for the development of a national standard. The most significant results of industry-specific domestic technologies with agitators and current standards are analyzed. The following were subjected to detailed analysis: the international standard ISO 21630:2007 Pumps – Testing – Submersible mixers for wastewater and similar applications; the national standard of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) GB/T 33566-2017 Pusher submersible agitator, which is mandatory. The bench tests of agitators are considered. The current PRC non-regulatory industry standards: HJ/T 279-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product – Pusher submersible agitator and CJ/T 109-2007 Submersible agitator are also considered. Differences in approaches have been identified. The CFD modeling method is not an engineering tool for working on a project, but is intended for scientific substantiation of reliability. The main experience is concentrated in manufacturing companies that own confidential corporate documents: the method of calculating agitators according to mixing parameters, software for calculations with limited access, guidelines for positioning in tanks. The competition does not always allow manufacturing companies to make public the technical features of devices and software for calculations. The proposals include a recommendation to support the established practice in the Russian Federation based on the use of the international standard ISO 21630:2007 with parameter Thrust (N); to hold a public discussion of the goals and scope of the expected GOST R standard; to support the goals contributing to the production of agitators in the Russian Federation (the list is provided).
Key words
natural and waste water , water and wastewater management , State Standard (GOST) , submersible agitator , mixing device , national standard
UDC 697.35 DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.01.06
Talipov Rustem, Duniushkin Andrei, Svetlakov Iakov, Райзер Ю. С., Zentsov Viacheslav
Study of the nature of mechanical destruction of a cast iron radiator should there be a water surge in a heating system
One of the types of failures in heating systems is a heating medium leak due to depressurization of heating systems. It may be caused by mechanical destruction of heating system elements (for example, a heating device) due to the occurrence of water surge. The work objective was studying the nature of the destruction of a cast-iron radiator should there be a water surge in the heating system. The theoretical foundations of the water surge occurrence were analyzed. A test bench simulating the occurrence of a water surge in a heating system was used for the research. A series of bench tests was conducted, the characteristics of damage to a cast-iron radiator due to the occurrence of a water surge in the heating system were determined, the analysis of the broken-up sections of the cast-iron radiator was given, and conclusions were drawn based on the results of the study. It was shown that the nature of the destruction of a cast-iron radiator in a heating system as a result of a water surge had unique features: the remote sections relative to the heating medium supply side were subject to the destruction; the destruction occurred in the central part of the radiator section; flat sections with an area of 10–15 cm2 broke off the radiator section.
Key words
water hammer , heating system , cast-iron radiator , radiator section , heating medium
UDC 628.144.2:532.542 DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.01.07
Gudkov Aleksandr
Method for modeling and calculating water distribution networks with sources of variable pressure and flow (for discussion)
The paper dwells upon improving the hydraulic calculation method for water supply networks with sources with the pressure and water flow related by a certain dependence. Changes in the traditional calculation scheme with a common fictitious source are proposed that provide for considering several different types of sources connected to one network node. For this purpose, introducing a fictitious intermediate node and sections between each source and the network that form new contours is proposed. A general algorithm for hydraulic calculation is proposed and a method for determining sectional pressure losses in fictitious sections is given. An example of the calculation sequence for a double circuit network with two pumping stations and two consumers is given to illustrate the method. It is found that the convergence of the Newton method for solving a system of nonlinear algebraic equations simulating flow distribution according to two Kirchhoff’s laws can be improved by modifying the equations of contour pressures. An online computer application for testing the operability and implementation of the proposed method is presented.
Key words
water supply network , hydraulic design , pumping station , calculation method , Newton method