"Water Supply and Sanitary Technique" Magazine, CONTENTS №4 2008

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S. V. Kostyuchenko.
Modern State and Perspectives of UV-Technology
The modern state and perspectives of further development of water dizinfection technology with the help of ultraviolet in water supply and sewerage services are presented.
F. V. Karmazinov, A. K. Kinebas, S. V. Kostyuchenko, Yu. I. Nefedov, S. V. Volkov.
The World's Largest System of Potable Water UVDizinfection in

The experience in development and operation of the world's largest system of potable water UV-dizinfection in Saint-Petersburg is des cribed.
A. V. Koverga, I. Yu. Arutyunova, S. V. Kostyuchenko, S. V. Volkov, S. G. Zaytseva.
Pilot Tests of UV-Dizinfection at Moscow Water Treatment Stations
The results of experimental-industrial tests in the use of UVdizinfection in flow charts of Moscow water treatment stations aimed at strengthe ning the barrier role of treatment facilities concerning microorganisms are presented.
N. N. Kudryavtsev, S. V. Kostyuchenko, S. G. Zaytseva.
Schemes of Application of UV-Dizinfection in Potable Water Supply Systems
Different variants of location of equipment for the use of UVdizinfection in potable water supply systems are considered.
A. K. Strelkov, A. N. Romaniko, V. S. Gordienko, A. A. Pavlov, A. G. Zadoyanny, V. I. Kuznetsov,
A. Ya. Gilbukh, V. M. Alshin.

Complex Approach to Water Dezinfection at Enterprises of Water Supply and Sewerage Services of the Privolzhsky Federal Region
A complex approach to dizinfection of potable water and wastewater at enterprises of water supply and sewerage services in the cities of the Privolzhsky Federal Region is considered.
S. V. Khramenkov, A. N. Pakhomov, M. V. Bogomolov, D. A. Danilovich, M. N. Koz lov,
S. A. Streltsov, N. A. Belov, S. V. Kostyuchenko, S. V. Volkov, V. I. Zhukov.

Development and Introduction of Wastewater UV-Dizinfection Systems in Moscow
A complex of works on search, justification, development and realization of an optimal technical solution of the problem of effluent water dizinfection at the Moscow sewage treatment facilities has been implemented.
M. V. Bogomolov, A. V. Koverga, S. V. Volkov, S. G. Zaytseva, S. V. Kostyuchenko,
M. E. Kuzmenko, A. S. Khan.

The International Congress on Ozone and Ultra-Violet Technologies in Los Angeles
Information is given about the International Congress held in Los Angeles in August 2007, on technologies of water treatment using ultra-violet and ozone.
N. N. Filatov, S. V. Kostyuchenko, S. G. Zaytseva, M. E. Kuzmenko.
Certification of Equipment for Water Dizinfection by Ultra-Violet Radiation
Certification of the correspondence to the required radiation doze is an objective confirmation of reliability of equipment for water dizinfection using ultra-violet.
S. V. Vol kov, A. S. Khan, H. Giller, H. Provoost.
Experience in Introduction of Water UVDizinfection Abroad
The experience in introduction of UV-equipment manufactured by the SPE LIT for dizinfection in municipal and industrial water supply and sewerage systems abroad is presented.
Abstracts of the Articles Published in the Issue № 4 71

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