"Water Supply and Sanitary Technique" Magazine, CONTENTS №8 2008

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S. V. Khramenkov.
On Attraction of Investments for Development of Water Supply and Water Disposal Systems
F. V. Karmazinov.
Innovation Approaches to the Solution of Water Supply and Water Disposal Problems in Sankt-Petersburg


S. V. Khramenkov, T. N. Savchenko, N. A. Shaposhnikova.
Participation of Private Capital in Reforming Housing and Public Services
Opportunities, problems and perspectives of participation of private capital in reforming housing and public services are considered.
Key words: private business, tariff regulation, housing and public services, water supply, water disposal, legislation, fixed assets, partnership, guarantees.
UDC 628.1.3:69.003:65.014


A. A. Belyak, A. V. Gontovoy, A. D. Smirnov, A. V. Koverga, I. Yu. Arutyunova.
Efficiency of Ultrafiltration Membranes When Treating the Moskva River Water
The use of membrane technologies (ultrafiltration hollow fibre membranes especially) at different stages of treatment of the Moskva River water for the evaluation of possibility of water treatment technology modernization has been studied.
Key words: treatment facilities, suspended substances, organic and microbiologic pollutions, membranes, coagulation, turbidity, sand filters.
UDC 628.163:62-278.001.5
S. A. Buymova, V. V. Kostrov , A. P. Kupriyanovskaya, L. V. Shvedova.
Pollution of Springs in the Cities of Ivanovo and Kokhma, Ivanovo Reg
A detailed analysis of spring water, atmospheric precipitates, soil samples and vegetation condition in the areas of spring outlets has been made. The environment components mostly subjected to unfavourable influence and priority polluting substances have been revealed. Various possible causes of environment components pollution have been analyzed; their connection with negative anthropogenic impact has been established.
Key words: ground water, springs, soil, atmospheric precipitates, polluting substances, test-organisms, biotesting.
UDC 628.112:191
V. S. Alekseev.
Influence of Irregularity of Filters Loading on Influx to Well
The long-term experimental studies of redistribution of loading on the filters of water intake well in the course of operation shows that hydraulic losses are increased as a result of colmatage of the filter's part adjacent to the suction nozzle of the pump. A great influence of inertia effects in the well on the formation of water influxes has been confirmed, which proves the unreasonableness of installation of long filters in them.
Key words: well, water intake, filter, colmatage, suction nozzle.
UDC 628.
V. T. Grebennikov.
Restoration of Water Intake Wells Output with Acid Composition in Solid Phase
The method of restoration of water intake wells output with acid composition in solid phase during operation at different hydrogeological conditions is described.
Key words: well, colmatage, filter, yield, hydrochloric acid, ground water.
UDC 628.
V. A. Orlov.
Hydraulic Studies and Design of Gravity Pipelines Made of Different Materials
As a result of hydraulic experiments conducted at the test stand of the Moscow State Building University at freeflow mains, the dependences required for determination of the Chezy coefficient have been obtained; the tables of hydraulic calculations for three types of pipes (protective coatings) have been charted on the basis of these dependences.
Key words: free-flow mains, hydraulic stand, hydraulic elements of flow, Chezy coefficient.
UDC 621.22:532.542.001.24
A. N. Remezov, A. V. Sorokin, Yu. A. Krylov.
Valve-Inductor Electric Drive for Key Mechanisms of Heat Supply Systems
A principally new type of regulated electric drive has been created on the basis of valve-inductor engine having a four-section stator winding with power supply from four low-voltage frequency converters. The results of its industrial test at the heat supply systems of Moscow are presented.
Key words: valve-inductor electric drive, frequency converter, power supply, controllers, current, mains pumps, frequency-regulated electric drive.
UDC 621.65:697.34
F. S. Guliev.
Determination of Water Disposal Facilities Dimensions
A tabulated method of determination of water disposal facilities dimensions is proposed; it simplifies the calculations, makes it possible to present graphically at what depth of water flow in a gutter it is permissible to flood the carriageway when accepting one or another recommended value of period of single exceeding of calculated rain intensity.
Key words: rain runoff, rain intensity, slope, gutter, calculated water flow rate, basin, flooding.
UDC 628.258.001.2
Abstracts of the Articles Published in the Issue № 8 64

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