

DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.07.04
UDC 628.196

Klebeko Pavel, Romanovskii Valentin

Modified anthracites as effective catalytic materials for deironing of undergroundwater


The results of the study of modified anthracite as one of the most promising filtering materials that can be used in water treatment for undergroundwater deironing are presented. Anthracite granules were coated with iron oxides by exothermic combustion in solutions in a muffle furnace. Iron-containing sludge from water treatment plants was used as a precursor of iron. The effect of four different reducing agents on the surface-phase composition and properties of modified materials was studied. Using the method of exothermic combustion in solutions anthracite granules were modified with the formation of finely dispersed and crystalline structures of iron oxides on their surface. This had a positive effect on the catalytic ability of the material to underground water deironing. The catalytic properties of the obtained samples and the efficiency of deironing of underground water were investigated.

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