

DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.03.03
UDC 556.3.01:556.382

Opryshko B. A., Shvetsov V. A., Belavina O. A.

Improving the method for monitoring the piezometric level
of underground water in production wells of the Kamchatka Territory


The experience in monitoring the hydrodynamic regime of underground pressure water in the process of exploitation is presented. To measure and correct the results of measurements of the piezometric level of underground water in blowing wells, self-contained automated measuring devices were used. The experimental studies were carried out at observation well No. 1 of the Mil’kovskoe deposit of underground drinking water (Amsharikski site). The research results showed that the maximum underground water level corresponded to the period of snow cover melting (May – June). The minimum underground water level was observed in April. It is noted that the annual schedule of the water level changes in well No. 1 does not fully comply with any of the standard schedules suggesting the need to establish automated control of the hydrodynamic regime of this underground water deposit in order to protect it from depletion and pollution.

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