

DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.04.06
УДК 628.336.6:620.97:621.515

Bazhenov V. I., Ustiuzhanin A. V., Koroleva Ekaterina

Cogeneration plants to compensate for the needs of wastewater treatment facilities in energy resources


The relevance of the work is associated with increasing the efficiency of the energy resources use. Commissioning water and wastewater treatment facilities with cogeneration dates back to 2009: Mosvodokanal JSC (Kurianovskie and Lyuberetskie treatment facilities, power 10 MW each), Vodokanal JSC, Ivanovo (2.55 MW), Cherepovets Vodokanal MUE (2.4 MW). The life cycle cost was determined on the basis of the operating costs subject to the constraints of the conditions of self-sufficient projects. The operating costs included: gas, electricity, heat energy, costs of spare parts, lubricant, personnel, etc. The use of gas engine cogeneration units to compensate for the needs of the wastewater treatment plants with blower units is an economically viable measure in the Russian Federation. This serves as the basis for the use of cogeneration units in projects of wastewater treatment plants located close to the main gas pipelines. Optimistic and pessimistic scenarios for the development of this area depend on the choice of vodokanals to use thermal energy. The cost of 1 m3 of wastewater treatment can be reduced: by 0.894/0.44 rubles for the operating blower units (with 28% excess energy consumption due to wear); by 0.644/0.317 rubles for the advanced blower units; by 0.688/0.361 rubles for the advanced controlled blower units. The benefit from using cogeneration units is 53.3%/36% and 56.9%/41% for uncontrolled and controlled blower units, respectively. It makes sense to consider capital costs at the design stage that includes specific, object-oriented requests for the equipment manufacturer.

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