

DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.07.06
УДК 006.053:628.1/3

Pupyrev E. I., Shiriaevskii Valerii, Gerasimov Vladislav

Pre-project evaluation of the efficiency of water and sludge treatment facilities


Designing water treatment facilities has a centuries-old history. At present, the world project community has developed practically unified process flow schemes for natural water treatment to the drinking water quality and domestic wastewater treatment. The professional community practices an intensive exchange of ideas, technologies, and industrial products in the field of water purification. Recently, mathematical methods for calculating module structures have been actively developing, methods of digital (computer) design are used. For complex projects, first of all, pre-project work is carried out. Methods for designing water treatment facilities remain inherently heuristic, and a number of design solutions can be proposed for the same problem statement. The digital design environment provides for tackling new problems, first of all, for designing treatment facilities that are optimal not only in terms of the water quality and other technical parameters, but at the same time, if possible, in terms of the economic efficiency. A method is proposed for the development of a pre-design using multivariate mathematical procedures that allow approaching the optimal combination of technical and financial indicators of the future water treatment facility.

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