“Water Supply and Sanitary Technique” Magazine, CONTENTS №10 2007


N. N. Filatov.
On Actuality of Water Disinfection Problem under Modern Conditions
It is told about the problems of potable water disinfection and measures aimed at improving the situation in this sphere.
S. V. Kurkatov, S. E. Skudarnov, V. V. Kovalenko.
Hygienic Assessment of Natural Radioactivity of Ground Water in the Krasnoyarsk Region
The hygienic assessment of natural radioactivity of ground water used for centralized potable water supply to the most populated territories of the Krasnoyarsk Region is given.
E. B. Yurchevsky, A. G. Pervov, V. B. Kravtsov.
Treatment of Potable Water from Underground Source under Conditions of the Far North
It is told about the use of membrane technologies of ground water treatment under conditions of the Far North.
M. I. Alekseev.
St. Petersburg State Architectural and Construction University: 175 Years
Yu. M. Meshengisser, G. V. Sleptsov, V. M. Ulchenko.
Experience in Development and Introduction of the Ecopolymer Drainage-Distribution Systems
Experience in development and introduction of the drainage-distribution systems with porous-filtering polymer layer used in public services for water treatment is presented.
V. V. Petrashkevich.
Conical Two-Cavity Fish-Protecting Facility with Fish Diversio
The reliable and safety facility for protection of full-grown fishes, baby fishes and caviar with their removal out of the limits of the water intake operation is considered.
A. B. Grigoriev, R. Rass.
OSECR System for Production of Low-Concentrated Sodium Hypochlorite
V. Z. Meltser, V. B. Smirnov.
Experience in Operation and Reconstruction of Filter-Bioreactors with Upward Flow
Investigations and practical experience in operation of filter-bioreactors with upward flow designed for advanced treatment of biologically treated wastewater are presented.


E. O. Grafova, R. I. Ayukaev, A. M. Chetokin, E. A. Sokolova, Yu. N. Prinin, V. S. Machigin.
Special Features of Water Disposal System of Out-of-Town Candy Factory
The existing systems of domestic and rain water sewerage in the candy factory's water disposal separated system were left without changes, local treatment facilities for industrial runoffs were constructed.
Abstracts of the Articles Published in the Issue № 10 48

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