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“Water Supply and Sanitary Technique” Magazine, CONTENTS №12 2007

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V. A. Grachev.
New Legislative Initiatives in Support of Water Supply and Water Disposal Systems
The initiatives of the State Duma's Committee on Ecology to secure legislatively the mechanisms of efficient development of water supply and sewerage management of the country are presented.
About Legislative Securing of Activities in the Field of Water Supply and Water Disposal by the Example of St. Petersburg Region 8
Recommendations of the Conference About Legislative Securing of Ecological Safety of Potable Water Supply Pipeline Systems 12
O. A. Serova.
Financing of Modernization of Water Supply and Water Disposal Objects
The problems in the field of financing of modernization projects of water supply and water disposal objects in the Russian Federation and possible ways of their solution are considered.


A. V. Golovachev, D. V. Kramar.
Some Approaches to Legislative Overcoming of Crisis in the System of Vodokanals


V. I. Aksenov, V. A. Nikulin, I. I. Nichkova, S. S. Petsura, E. A. Rusanova, V. L. Podberezny.
Perfection of Water Management of Industrial Enterprises
The solutions making it possible to create local closed wastewater treatment and reuse systems at industrial enterprises, which provide considerable saving of fresh water at reduction of its consumption up to the level of irrevocable losses are proposed.
A. N. Rozhkov.
Main Directions of Development of Agricultural Water Supply and Water Disposal in Russia
It is told about the modern state of agricultural objects of water supply and water disposal and the problems in this sphere.
D. I. Kucherenko.
Hydromechanical Cleaning of Heat Exchangers with the Use of Abrasive Additive
The hydromechanical method makes it possible to clean the heat exchanging equipment and pipelines of circulating water supply systems out of deposits and encrustations without using the chemical reagents.
B. S. Leznov.
Characteristics of the Branched Pipelines with Intermediate Taking-Offs of Water
It is shown that the operative control over the regimes of operation of water supply and water distribution systems has to be executed on the basis of real indications of technological gauges.
O. D. Loytsker, N. L. Egorov, S. A. Streltsov, A. M. El, B. A. Ershov, A. D. Mastikov, O. A. Sorokin, E. G. Filippova, N. A. Khmelevsky, A. V. Prilepsky.
Calculation-Instrumental Method of Determination of Dumped Treated Wastewater Volume
The calculation-instrumental method of determination of treated wastewater volume discharged by treatment facilities is presented. Its use ensures the required accuracy of measuring and results in considerable saving of expenditures.
Yu. M. Meshengisser, A. I. Shchetinin, B. Yu. Malbiev, M. A. Esin, O. Yu. Vavilov, N. V. Kiryakov,
O. A. Rozanov, E. V. Bykov.

Modernization and Reconstruction of Sewerage Treatment Facilities of the RAS Scientific Centre in the City of Chernogolovka
The results of realization of the first stage of reconstruction of operating sewerage treatment facilities without their shutdown are presented.
Index of the Articles Published in the Water Supply and Sanitary Technique Magazine in 2007 48
Abstracts of the Articles Published in the Issue № 12 52

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