

DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.12.02
UDC 628.52:537.523

Vasiliak L. M., Koudryavtsev N. N., SMIRNOV A. D.

Efficiency of gas discharge methods for odor control in municipal wastewater transportation and treatment systems


In the process of wastewater transportation and treatment malodorous substances are released into the air; among them hydrogen sulfide being one of the most difficult to remove. Various methods are used to remove malodorous substances from the air, including gas-discharge (plasma, ionization) methods that have proven remarkably effective in other industries. Vent emissions generated during wastewater treatment are specified by high humidity, high concentration of hydrogen sulfide, potential explosion hazard. These properties limit the possible use of gas discharge methods for the purification of this type of vent emissions. The specificity of applying gas discharge methods for air purification at the wastewater treatment facilities and wastewater pumping stations is described. The arising technical difficulties are presented.

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