

DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.01.02
UDC 502/504:004.413.4


Expert and analytical assessment of the safety and risk
in analyzing the hazardous impact of techno-natural processes
on the facilities and environment


In accordance with the general provisions of the expert-analytical methodology for assessing the risk of hazardous impact of techno-natural processes of various origin on the facilities and environment, a method for calculating the risks of techno-natural processes is proposed. The method is based on a detailed analysis of research materials on the hazard level of processes and vulnerability of the facilities and environment, a quantitative assessment of the hazard level and degree of vulnerability, followed by the use of probit analysis to calculate the formation of risks. For the classification of safety and risk levels adopted for work, the criteria are determined and their values are defined that provide for assessing the levels of safety and risks of hazardous techno-natural processes of various origin. The proposed method for assessing the risks of techno-natural processes is illustrated by a more detailed study of the classification and assessment of the safety and risks of hydraulic engineering structures of different categories.

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