

DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.01.03
UDC 006.3:699.814

Boldyrev Vladimir Vasil'evich, Kozhenov Iurii, Kirilenko Viktor

Experience of using СP 10.13130.2020 in designing internal fire-fighting water lines for buildings


Proposals are given for adjusting CP 10.13130.2020 «Fire protection systems. Internal fire-fighting water lines. Design rules and regulations» with account of the experience of designing internal water supply systems for buildings and structures. The need for adjustments is due to the following reasons: the use of new terms in the text of the code of practice instead of the historically established and currently used in other regulatory documents; the presence of erroneous recommendations; the lack of the correct information on the initial pressure value as well as on the type of the diaphragm being calculated with the use of a nomograph (with sharp or thickened edges); the lack of the information on the mutual influence of the valve and the diaphragm being taken into account. It is proposed to replace the new terms included in the code of practice with already known ones (a list of such terms with recommendations for their replacement is given) so that the new terms do not conflict with other regulatory documents. It is proposed to eliminate erroneous recommendations regarding the use of elevated and hydropneumatics water tanks as a means of increasing pressure in the internal fire-fighting water line. It is concluded that engineering calculations based on the nomograph provide for the sufficient accuracy for almost all types of diaphragms 3–4 mm thick. An exception is the diaphragm installed at the outlet of the direct-flow fire valve. For this diaphragm the relative deviation of the results of applying the nomograph and methods known from hydraulics is more than 25% due to the mutual influence of the local resistances.

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