

DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.05.03
UDC 628.35

Kharkina O. V.

Comparison of the results of calculating aeration tanks according to the method of Danilovich–Epov and ASM2d model (part 1)


The analysis of the method proposed by D. A. Danilovich and A. N. Epov for calculating aeration tanks that implement nitrogen and phosphorus removal technologies is carried out. A comparison of the results of calculations by this method and ASM2d method is given. It is shown that, in contrast to the ASM2d method that refers to theoretical models and describes the processes of biological wastewater treatment using the formulas of enzyme kinetics, the method under consideration is, in essence, an empirical calculation that contains constants that are invariable and, for the most part, not having the physical meaning. Since empirical models make a connection between the parameters obtained on the basis of the experimental data of a particular object under strictly limited conditions, these models can only be applied if all the parameters of another object exactly match the data of the object the proposed model was compiled for. Accordingly, using any empiric models, including the method under consideration, at the facilities that were not the objects for the compilation of these empiric models, leads to the risk of obtaining incorrect calculation results. Based on the performed calculations, the risks and constraints of using the method proposed by Danilovich and Epov for the calculation of biological treatment facilities are shown. In the first part of the paper, a design analysis was carried out to determine the values of the aerobic age of activated sludge that were the basic values for calculating the volume of aerobic zones of aeration tanks.

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