

DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.09.06
UDC 628.316

Belov S. G., Naumchik G. O.

The use of ozone to reduce the color intensity of textile wastewater


The relevance of the development of effective methods for the destruction of dyes in the wastewater of consumer goods industry is increasing due to the severization of the requirements to the aquatic environment protection. The mechanisms of interaction of ozone with unsaturated and aromatic organic compounds in aqueous solutions are considered. Special focus is placed on the interaction of ozone with azo dyes. A detailed procedure for carrying out experimental studies is given, that provide for accurate dosing of ozone into the reaction mixture. The data of experimental studies are presented that are indicative of the effectiveness of using ozone for the destruction of dyes in model solutions. A comparison was made of the effectiveness of using ozone compared to the reducing agents to reduce color intensity of dye solutions. Specific doses of ozone have been preliminarily determined to reduce color intensity of solutions of some synthetic dyes to standard values.

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Список цитируемой литературы

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