

DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.01.06
UDC 544.526:628.169

Pilipenko Marina, Dubina Aleksandr, Likhavitskii Vitalii

Flotation of wastewater from dye works using ozone


The results of experimental studies of the efficiency of purification of model and real wastewater from dye and finishing works with the aid of pneumatic flotation using ozone-air mixture instead of air are presented. The effect of the gas mixture flow rate, dye concentration, and ozone concentration in the gas mixture on the purification efficiency was studied. The purification efficiency was evaluated by optical density and COD. While using ozone-air mixture instead of air, a 12-fold efficiency increase was achieved. The results of the studies have shown that while using ozone flotation to achieve the purification efficiency of 90% of the real wastewater from dye and finishing works, abstracted upstream the treatment facilities (electrocoagulation followed by flotation), the following conditions are required: processing time not less than 60 minutes; consumption of ozone-air mixture not less than 5 l/(l·min); ozone concentration in the ozone-air mixture not less than 8 g/m3.

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Для цитирования: Пилипенко М. В., Дубина А. В., Лихавицкий В. В. Флотация сточных вод красильных производств с использованием озона // Водоснабжение и санитарная техника. 2023. № 1. С. 42–48. DOI: 10.35776/VST.2023.01.06.

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