

UDC 628.221
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.04.07

Volkov Sergei, Luk’ianchuk Maksim, Zhitenev A. I., Kuz’min Valentin, Rublevskaya O. N., Gvozdev V. A., Erofeev Vasilii, Kostenko I. G., IGNATCHIK V. S., Ignatchik S. Iu., Kuznetsova N. V., Seniukovich Mikhail

Methods and results of estimating calculated rain parameters for the surface runoff disposal systems of Saint-Petersburg Part 2. For hydraulic calculations in simulation


Urban surface runoff disposal systems need to be adapted to the changing climate with account of local conditions and schematic design features. In line with the world practice, one of the stages of the works in this area is the substantiation of the calculated parameters of rain for the considered climatic region. At the same time, to fulfill the design tasks adjusting the specified climatic parameters will be sufficient. However, justifying the solutions on the upgrade of the drainage systems using computational models, substantiating the profiles of calculated rains constituting the graphs of the temporal variations of their intensity is needed. While substantiating these profiles, the following requirements were taken into account: the maximum 10-minute amount of precipitation that can cause flooding in the wastewater disposal networks; the accumulative amount of atmospheric precipitation during 1 hour that can cause flooding in the tunnel sewers. It has been established that under these requirements, the temporal variation of the rain intensity representing the design rain profile can be expressed as a continuous analytical function with two parameters: i0 – the maximum instantaneous rain intensity (mm/h) and the empirical parameter φ (min–1). It has been experimentally determined that for St. Petersburg, for example, with a return period of p = 1 year, φ = 0.1837 min–1, i0 = 40.21924 mm/h.

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For citation: Volkov S. N., Luk’ianchuk M. Iu., Zhitenev A. I., Kuz’min V. A., Rublevskaia O. N., Gvozdev V. A., Erofeev V. V., Kostenko I. G., Ignatchik V. S., Ignatchik S. Iu., Kuznetsova N. V., Seniukovich M. A. Methods and results of estimating calculated rain parameters for the surface runoff disposal systems of Saint-Petersburg. Part 2. For hydraulic calculations in simulation. Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2023, no. 4, pp. 53–60. DOI: 10.35776/VST.2023.04.07. (In Russian).

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