

DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.11.05
UDC 628.221

Volkov Sergei, Luk’ianchuk Maksim, Zhukova Anastasiia, Zhitenev A. I., Rublevskaya O. N., Erofeev Vasilii, IGNATCHIK V. S., Ignatchik S. Iu., Kuznetsova N. V.

Economic efficiency of measures to provide for the surface runoff disposal systems adaptation to changing climate conditions


The process of economic justification of measures to provide for the surface runoff disposal systems adaptation to the new operating conditions comes down to solving an optimization problem where the maximum economic effect is assumed as the optimization criterion in the form of the difference between the cost of prevented damage from flooding of territories during the periods of heavy rains and the costs of investment and operating activity. The justification of this approach is obvious, since from a stochastic point of view it is impossible to completely eliminate flooding. Accordingly, the estimation of the effectiveness of adaptation measures should be based on the comparison of costs and benefits. The key elements of such an estimation, along with the justification of effective engineering solutions for adaptation, is the determination of the number of floods for the estimated period of time and the damage expected from them, i. e., the damage function that is the sum of the products of the probabilities of damage and its cost. In the Russian Federation the approach that takes into account the probability of flooding, is unrealizable at the regulatory level, since at the stage of hydraulic calculations, the probability of exceeding the calculated rain intensity is taken into account rather than water outcrop. In addition, in domestic practice, as an engineering measure for the adaptation of wastewater disposal systems, the method of network upgrade is mainly used which is the most expensive one compared to other alternative methods. Therefore, the effectiveness of applying the method of network upgrade in combination with the introduction of elements of a «green» infrastructure and regulation of wastewater flows is analyzed using the example of a pilot wastewater drainage area.

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